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Butter Scotch Caramel Base

Butter Scotch Caramel Base

Regular price $18.99
Sale price $18.99 Regular price

Naturetea Butterscotch Caramel Base combines the rich sweetness of raw caramel syrup with the smooth and nutty flavor of butter, creating a harmonious product. It pairs well with cream lattes and especially stands out when paired with coffee.


Dark caramel shade in bright brown tones


Smooth-flowing liquid type

Type / Syrup Capacity



Dalgona Candy 15%, Raw Caramel Syrup 10%, Brown Butter Powder 3%(contains Butter 14%)

Butter Scotch Cream Latte

Ingredients: Naturetea Butter scotch caramel Base, Milk, Whipped cream, and Espresso

Recipe: 1. Butter Scotch Cream Mix 30g of Naturetea Butter Scotch Caramel Base, 50g of milk, and 100g of whipped cream by foam frother. 2. Put 60g of ice, pour 120g of milk and 1 shot of espresso into serving glass. 3. Pour 40g Butter scotch cream on the top.

Recipe Tip: Drizzle with NAturetea Deep Caramel Base. Garnish with caramels.

Type / Size: Iced / 16oz

Out of stock

Size: 1ea

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