Shine Muscat White Vin Chaud Base
Shine Muscat White Vin Chaud Base
Naturetea Shine Muscat White Vin Chaud Base offers the fragrance of Vin Chaud enriched with the sweet aroma of Shine Muscat grapes and wine, providing a delightful experience reminiscent of Europe with just one sip.
Transparent and pale golden hue
Liquid type flowing like syrup
Type / Syrup Capacity
White(Green) Grape Concentrate 35%(White grape 100%), Lemon Concentrate 3%(Lemon 100%), Shine Muscat Mixed Concentrate 1%[Shine Muscat Extract 50%(Solid content 2.5)]
White Vin Chaud Ade
Ingredients: Nature Shine Muscat White Vin Chaud Base, Sparkling water, Lemon slice, and Cinnamon stick
Recipe: 1. Pour 60g of Naturetea Shine Muscat White Vin Chaud Base and 200g of ice into serving glass. 2. Pour 180g of sparkling water. 3. Garnish with a lemon slice, cinnamon stick and herb leaves.
Recipe Tip: Instead of sparkling water, purified water can be used.
Type / Size: Iced / 16oz
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