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Shine Muscat White Vin Chaud Base

Shine Muscat White Vin Chaud Base

Regular price $18.99
Sale price $18.99 Regular price

Naturetea Shine Muscat White Vin Chaud Base offers the fragrance of Vin Chaud enriched with the sweet aroma of Shine Muscat grapes and wine, providing a delightful experience reminiscent of Europe with just one sip.


Transparent and pale golden hue


Liquid type flowing like syrup

Type / Syrup Capacity



White(Green) Grape Concentrate 35%(White grape 100%), Lemon Concentrate 3%(Lemon 100%), Shine Muscat Mixed Concentrate 1%[Shine Muscat Extract 50%(Solid content 2.5)]

White Vin Chaud Ade

Ingredients: Nature Shine Muscat White Vin Chaud Base, Sparkling water, Lemon slice, and Cinnamon stick

Recipe: 1. Pour 60g of Naturetea Shine Muscat White Vin Chaud Base and 200g of ice into serving glass. 2. Pour 180g of sparkling water. 3. Garnish with a lemon slice, cinnamon stick and herb leaves.

Recipe Tip: Instead of sparkling water, purified water can be used.

Type / Size: Iced / 16oz

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Size: 1ea

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